The Pukur

When 12-year-old Sophie Shepherd is orphaned after a motor accident she is left scarred both physically and emotionally. Recovery is slow—first at hospital, and then living with her only blood relative, her aunt. Her nightmares torment her and Sophie is withdrawn and fragile. But rather than support her, a jealous and cruel uncle-in-law destroys her life all over again. Dumped in rural Bangladesh without warning with an uncle she didn't even know existed, who she hates, and who doesn't want her there, Sophie has to come to terms with grief, loss, and a totally alien culture.

D K Powell is a writer and educationalist living in the UK but working around the world. After spending several years living in Bangladesh with his family, working as a teacher, he wrote his first novel, The Pukur, based on his experiences of the country and culture. He is the author of several books, writes for various publications worldwide, and regularly gives talks on education, psychology, and social issues. His specialist subject is the Global Village and he has given a TEDx talk on the subject. D K Powell and his family live in Cumbria, UK and he freely, unashamedly admits he drinks far too much tea.