The Sleeper Agent

The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare

Trine Day
A. W. Finnegan
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This book details out the esoteric history of biological warfare in a way that no other book has done, based on only official records, documents, science and medical journals, former intelligence officers, and more. The history of this war goes much deeper than any other book on the subject has presented, based on understandings and studies of science that have been purposefully buried and obscured. The author collected and studied the work of one of history’s most exceptional yet infamous pioneers in virology and immunology, a German scientist by the name of Dr. Erich Traub, for several years, in the process of writing this book, a process which perhaps no one else has managed to undertake, until now.

Contributor Bio

A.W. Finnegan is a survivor of Lyme disease and immune tolerance, and has been battling health problems since he was young, with the onset of a chronic disease in 2016. He is a writer, graphic artist & designer, an avid reader and researcher of history, biological warfare, esoteric philosophy, spirituality, and the Western Mystery Traditions. He has made a special study of the life and work of Erich Traub and the science of immune tolerance. He has collected and translated to English all of Traub's published research. He lives in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, peacefully by himself, where he enjoys BMX biking, fitness, study, the arts, and self-development.
