The Voyage of the Cormorant
A Memoir of the Changeable Sea
Christian Beamish, a former editor at The Surfer’s Journal, envisioned a low-tech, self-reliant exploration for surf along the coast of North America, using primarily clothes and instruments available to his ancestors, and the 18-foot boat he would build by hand in his garage. How the vision met reality – and how the two came to shape each other – places The Voyage of the Cormorant in the great American tradition of tales of life at sea, and what it has to teach us.
Christian Beamish, the former associate editor of The Surfer’s Journal, is a writer, surfer, sailor, dedicated boat builder and fisherman. He engaged all his skills during his travels on the Cormorant. He currently lives in Carpinteria, California, where he shapes surfboards, continues to write, and is at work on building Spirit Level, a 27-foot sailboat he's designed for coastal cruising.