The Wary Werewolf

Starfish Bay Children's Books
Jim Carpenter
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Age range 5+

A wary werewolf wants to be liked, but everyone is scared of him, except a little dog who won’t leave him and transforms him.

Werewolves are supposed to be scary, but this werewolf is wary of everyone and everything! All he wants is to be liked, but everyone is afraid of him, no matter what he tries, except for one little dog, who just won't leave him alone-no matter what he tries. But when the little dog is threatened, the werewolf discovers it's ok to be a little bit werewolf to protect a friend. This story of self-acceptance, transformation, and friendship, with dynamic and modern illustrations, will entertain readers and make them laugh.

Contributor Bio

Jim Carpenter is an author and illustrator living in the UK who, despite the name, is not much of a carpenter at all. In fact, holding a wooden pencil to write and draw with is as close to carpentry as it gets for him. He is, however, an avid and incessant daydreamer and when the opportunity strikes, and with wooden pencil in hand, he likes to turn any of the interesting daydreams into stories like this one.

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