This Spells Trouble

Ford Street Publishing
Paul Collins, Sean McMullen
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Age range 10 to 14

Winston is fourteen and apprenticed to the wizard Faramond.

Winston’s problem is that he’s a lot brighter than his master.

Faramond is being forced to bring more valuable magical slaves into the world.

Winston wants to free the enslaved magical creatures who are already there.

This spells trouble.

Contributor Bio

Paul Collins is the author of over 140 books for children and adults. His writing has won the William Atheling, Aurealis, A. Bertram Chandler, Leila St John and Peter McNamara awards. Paul published Australia’s first fantasy novels in the early 1980s, and since his return to the industry in 2007, he has published around 150 books for children through to young adults.

Sean McMullen is the winner of many Australian and international awards, and is a former Hugo nominee. He has written over a hundred adult and young adult works. These have been translated into over a dozen languages, and has been described as Australia's Terry Pratchett.