Thoughts Are Things (Barnes & Noble Edition)

Barnes & Noble
Prentice Mulford
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Prentice Mulford's

essays have been a spiritual inspiration for generations. Included in this volume are: "The Material Mind vs. the Spiritual Mind," "Thought Currents," "One Way to Cultivate Courage," "Look Forward!" "God in the Trees; or, The Infinite Mind in Nature," "Some Laws of Health and Beauty," "The God in Yourself," "The Healing and Renewing Force of Spring," "Immortality in the Flesh," "The Attraction of Aspiration," "The Accession of New Thought."

Contributor Bio

A New Thought pioneer, Prentice Mulford (1834–1891) was a noted literary humorist and California author.  After a time fortune hunting in the 1849 gold rush and writing for several Californian newspapers, Mulford turned his attentions to spiritual matters.  His influence is still felt in the writings of today’s best mental and spiritual authors.