Thrill Seekers

15 Remarkable Women in Extreme Sports

Chicago Review Press
Ann McCallum Staats
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What is the allure of the extreme? Who are the women who seek out and excel at sports outside the conventional, such as cave diving, wingsuit flying, or Formula 1 racing? This collection of female adventure dynamos is as fascinating as it is empowering. Thrill Seekers introduces readers to a diverse and fascinating selection of women whose determination, grit, and courage have propelled each of them into a life far from the sidelines. Each chapter introduces readers to modern role models and leaders, change-makers who opt into a life of risk-but one of astonishing rewards. Their stories inspire young people to approach life with the same bold resolve.
Contributor Bio

Ann McCallum Staats holds a BA in Education from the University of Victoria, BC, and an MA in Education from the University of Maryland. She is the author Women Heroes of the US Army as well as six children’s books, including The Secret Life of Math, which won ForeWord's Gold Book of the Year, and the Eat Your Homework series. She is currently an ESOL high school teacher and a member of SCBWI as well as the Children’s Book Guild of Washington, DC.

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