Too Much Glue

Flashlight Press
Jason Lefebvre, illustrated by Zac Retz
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Age range 5 to 7

Winner: 2016 Montana Treasure State Award Nominee: NY State Charlotte Award list, 2015-16 Alabama Camellia Award list 2014-15, Grade 2-3 Division Although Matty's art teacher has warned him that too much glue never dries, Matty loves glue. After all, he and his dad make oodles of glue projects at home. One day during art class, Matty finds the fullest bottles of glue, and the fun begins. With a squeeze and a plop, Matty pours a lake of glue before belly-flopping right in the middle and finds himself stuck to the desk. When Matty's dad arrives at the school, instead of being mad, he celebrates his son's creativity and calls him a work of art. With vibrant language and artwork and a wild, silly plot, Too Much Glue is sure to appeal to all children who love to get messy.

Contributor Bio

Jason Lefebvre is a children’s librarian at the Holyoke Public Library and a preschool paraprofessional. This is his first children's book. Zac Retz is an artist in the entertainment industry, focusing on animated movies. He has worked for Disney, DreamWorks, and Sony. Some of his past movies are Spiderman Into The Spider-Verse and Scoob. He is now Creator/Owner at Impetus Animation. He lives in Santa Monica, California.

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