Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary
Japanese-English English-Japanese (Ideal for JLPT Exam Prep)

The Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary is completely updated dictionary designed for students and business people who are living in Japan and using Japanese on a daily basis. Its greatest advantage is that it contains many recent idiomatic expressions which have become popular in the past several years and which are not normally found in other competing dictionaries. It also contains a comprehensive pronunciation guide and detailed notes on Japanese grammar.
The layout of the dictionary is extremely user-friendly. Headwords are highlighted and all entries are listed in alphabetical order according to their romanized forms. Japanese scripts forms are given alongside the romanized equivalents to allow learners to quickly master the written Japanese forms of words.

Samuel Martin is the author of numerous books and papers on the Japanese and Korean languages, including the definitive A Reference Grammar of Japanese and A Reference Grammar of Korean. He received his undergraduate and Master's degrees in Oriental Languages from the University of California at Berkeley and his Ph.D. in linguistics from Yale University. At Yale, he served as chairman of the Department of East and South Asian Languages and Literatures, and the Department of Linguistics.
Sayaka Khan is a professional translator and interpreter based in Tokyo, Japan. She has translated many books and technical documents from English to Japanese and vice versa. She is a graduate of Waseda University.
Fred Perry has a BA from Yale University as well as an MBA from Sophia University, Tokyo. He arrived in Japan in 1956 and continues to live there, where he has worked as a market researcher and consultant.