Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary
Japanese-English English-Japanese

This is the most up-to-date Japanese Dictionary on the market.
Now with 30% more content, Tuttle Concise Japanese Dictionary allows for easy reference for both Japanese to English and English to Japanese. Its compact size allows for easy transport without limiting the content. This Japanese dictionary is perfect for Japanese language students, or business people and tourists travelling to Japan. It contains over 25,000 words and expressions, carefully selected to cover all important aspects of life and commerce in Japan. In addition, extensive information on Japanese grammar and Japanese pronunciation are included.
This dictionary contains the following features:
• 25,000 Japanese words and expressions
• Up-to-date local Japanese slang and idioms
• A guide to Japanese pronunciation and Japanese Grammar
• Romanized forms (romanji) and authentic Japanese characters (kanji) and script (kana)
• Extensive notes with detailed tips on usage and social context
• Parts of speech, common phrases and idiomatic expressions

Samuel E. Martin was a leading authority on Japanese and Korean language and is the author of numerous books and papers, including the definitive A Reference Grammar of Japanese and A Reference Grammar of Korean.
Sayaka Khan has worked as a translator and interpreter for companies in various industries, from science think tanks to film production. She runs a translation corporation.
Fred Perry holds degrees from Yale University and St. Sophia University, Tokyo. He has lived in Japan for more than 50 years. His language specialties include the local dialects spoken in different parts of Japan.