Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena

Delivering the possible truths of over 200 unexplained mysteries, this collection applies an authoritative, intelligent, and reasoned examination of strange artefacts and events that have perplexed scientists. It explores a wide range of phenomena, including cattle mutilations, crop circles, spontaneous human combustion, Martian lore, Roswell, Loch Ness, weather phenomena, fairies, Bigfoot, the Bermuda Triangle, living dinosaurs, ghosts, UFOs, pterodactyl sightings, flying humanoids, hollow earth, and other absorbing puzzles. Along the way, readers will learn of hoaxes, witness the creation of various modern myths, and learn of frightening personal accounts and startling historical documents. Documenting the evidence and hearing witnesses out, Jerome Clark brings an engaging narrative to the stories, objectively presents their many possible explanations, and lets the reader make his or her own judgment in this one-of-a-kind book.

Jerome Clark is the prize-winning author of more than a dozen books, including Unexplained! Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena; Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds; Strange Skies: Pilot Encounters with UFOs; the multivolume UFO Encyclopedia; and Unnatural Phenomena. He serves on the board of the J. Allen Center for UFO Studies and is the co-editor of its magazine, International UFO Reporter. He is a recipient of Dinsdale Award, given by the Society of Scientific Exploration for significant contributions to the expansion of human understanding through the study of unexplained phenomena. He lives in Canby, Minnesota.