Vantage: Ryan Koopmans

Black Dog Press
Ryan Koopmans, foreword by Marvin Hieferman
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Three things that made Black Dog Press acquire this book:

1.Ryan Koopmans is an incredibly talented, award-winning photographer, and this is his first monograph

2.Ryan photographs all over the world (usually from an unusual vantage point), which makes the locations/subject matters within the book appealing to many different markets

3.The book encompasses many different genres: photography, travel, architecture and history –again, appealing to many different markets

If this author came to you from another (large) publisher, what was the story? Did you get the book because of a personal relationship?

We approached Ryan because we saw and liked his work, and were also aware of his large Instagram following, so were confident his photography would make an excellent book

Ryan has both Dutch and Canadian heritage. He was born in Amsterdam, but was raised in Victoria on Vancouver Island, Canada. He travels extensively for his work (on Instagram his current location is Sweden, and the next is Saudi Arabia)