Venezuelan Anarchism

The History of a Movement

See Sharp Press
Rodolfo Montes de Oca
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Venezuelan Anarchism: The History of a Movement covers Venezuelan anarchism and its partisans from the first appearance of anarchist ideas in the period prior to independence through today. Venezuelan political histories have focused almost exclusively upon the various Venezuelan governments and political parties. Venezuelan Anarchism shifts the focus to those opposed to those governments and political parties, those who until now have been nearly forgotten. The book also explains in some detail their ideas, publications, and actions in opposition to Venezuela's ruling political elites and, more recently, Venezuela's authoritarian populists.

Contributor Bio

Rodolfo Montes de Oca is a Venezuelan attorney, human rights activist, editor, and historian, whose work has focused on social movements. He has worked on several Venezuelan anarchist periodicals including Samizdat and Tribune of the People, and has been a member of Venezuela's primary anarchist publication, the bimonthly El Libertario, since 2002. He has also edited two books published in Spanish: Promtheus and Tantalus: Sketches of historical figures and anecdotes relating to the Greek anarchist movement, and Reflections on Prisons.
