Void if Detached
The Writings & Musings

In Void If Detached, Mark Green gives us a clear look at the way a man in his forties approaches his diagnosis of a rare form of brain cancer called anaplastic ependymoma. His diagnosis was later revised to glioblastoma, of which he said, “I had a golf ball in my head, and I’m not even very good at golf.” Through five surgeries, and thirty-three radiation treatments and three years of constant chemotherapy, Mark channeled his thoughts into the blog that he began after his initial diagnosis. You will laugh, cry, wonder, and revel in the writings put forth by this intrepid chronicler.
Proceeds to benefit The Mark R. Green Trust and Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2)

Mark Richard Green (“Moose”), an exceptional human being, was born August 18, 1967 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and died February 27, 2015 in Walpole, New Hampshire. Mark’s wonderful and beloved daughters, Hannah Rose and Elizabeth (“Libby”) Grace, as well as his sister, Kerry, and parents, Beverly and Stephen, survive him, as do literally hundreds of devoted friends by whom he was cherished. Mark was a graduate of Abington Friends School (Jenkintown, PA) and Hamilton College (Clinton, NY), earning his BA in English in 1989. Mark also studied abroad at the University of East Anglia, in Norwich, England, and received his Master’s degree in Education from Antioch University New England in Keene, New Hampshire. After a distinguished career in education (encompassing teaching, administration and development at, inter alia, The Grammar School, The Putney School, and Dartmouth College), he was Vice President of Strategic Partnerships for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2), based in Washington, DC. Founded in 2001 by Steve Case and his late brother Dan, a victim of brain cancer, ABC2 funds high-risk, high-reward research to speed the development of new therapies, trials and, ultimately, a cure. ABC2 has raised over $20 million towards this effort. Mark’s blog can be found at moosevt.wordpress.com. This is his first book, published posthumously by DCDesign Books, its content extraordinary and inspirational.