War in Europe

Irish Pages Press
Edited by Askold Melnyczuk, Chris Agee
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'War in Europe' is an essential issue from Irish Pages, the island’s leading literary journal. The prime focus is the war in Ukraine, guest edited by the highly distinguished Ukrainian-American novelist Askold Melnyczuk. Much Ukrainian writing (from both inside and outside the country) has been assembled. A great deal of translation is involved, including by distinguished poets and translators whose first language is English. All involved view this issue as an 'urgent ethical project'.

'War in Europe' is not of course limited to the current war in Ukraine. There will also be small relevant amounts of writing about the violent twentieth-century history of Ireland (including the Troubles) and of the Balkans, as well as the on Second World War. As with every issue, there will also be a 'Portfolio' of images — this time, of course, exclusively on the war in Ukraine.
