Ways the World Could End

Keylight Books
Kim Hooper
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  • Powerful Up Lit: Kim Hooper is a powerful presence in the “up lit” market, and Ways the World Could End is sure to appeal to her ever-growing fanbase. This moving novel captures the joys (and pains) of adolescence for both the teen and the parent. It is a touching exploration of family bonds, loss, and the resiliency of human connection in tragedy.
  • Protagonist is Autistic: Ways the World Could End features an authentic and thoughtful representation of an adult character with Asperger’s syndrome. This character is inspired by Kim Hooper’s husband, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s as an adult.
  • Indie Next Author: Kim Hooper’s fifth novel, No Hiding in Boise, was a 2021 Indie Next pick. Promotion plans for her new novel include a mass mailing, major press outreach, and multiple Goodreads giveaways.
  • Hollywood Author: Kim Hooper’s stories have taken the film and tv world by storm, and Ways the World Could End will be a natural fit for the screen. Kim Hooper currently has three other books in progress to becoming blockbuster hits: All the Acorns on the Forest Floor (Jack Budde directing), Cherry Blossoms (in development with K&L Productions with Pete Holmes starring), and No Hiding in Boise (Brad Silberling directing).

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