What Is Man?

A Journey Through Biblical Anthropology

Darton Longman & Todd Ltd
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What Is Man? A Journey Through Biblical Anthropology is the English translation of Che cosa è l’uomo?, the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s ground-breaking study of what the Holy Scriptures teach about the nature of humanity.

This influential report takes as its base the ancient story of creation and loss of Eden in chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Genesis. It focuses on four themes: human beings created by God; human beings in the garden; the human family; and human beings in history. Each of the themes is divided into sub-themes and each of these is traced through the Scriptures of Old and New Testament.

Topics include: the image of God; food as a divine gift; human work; humans and animals; love, family, gender and relationships, including the issues of divorce, adultery, and homosexuality; care for creation; friendship and human solidarity; evil in the world; and the intervention of God in Christ.

This volume contains a Thematic Index of more than 200 topics, and is introduced by Cardinal Luis Ladaria SJ, President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

Contributor Bio

The Pontifical Biblical Commission is a Vatican committee of twenty scholars, chosen from all over the world. The Commission is part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. They meet in Rome to ensure the proper interpretation and defence of Sacred Scripture.
