What's Next, Gen X?
Keeping Up, Moving Ahead, and Getting the Career You Want

You're a member of Generation X-the 30-to-44 age cohort. And you've drawn the short stick when it comes to work. The economy has been stacked against you from the beginning. Worse, you're sandwiched between Boomers (with their constant back-patting blather and refusal to retire) and Gen Y's (with their relentless confidence and demands for attention).
You're stuck in the middle-of your life and between two huge generations that dote on each other.
But you can move forward in your career. In What's Next, Gen X? Tamara Erickson shows how. She explains the forces affecting attitudes and behaviors in each generation-Boomer, X, and Y-so you can start relating more productively with bosses, peers, and employees.
Erickson then assesses Gen X's progress in life so far and analyzes the implications of organizational and technological changes for your professional future.

Tamara Erickson is a McKinsey Award-winning author; widely respected expert on organizations, innovation, and the impact of changing demographics on the workforce; and President of the nGenera Innovation Network.