Which Way to Freedom?
And Other Questions About the Underground Railroad

What was the Underground Railroad—and who traveled on it? Who was Harriet Tubman and what did she do? This gripping book tells kids all about the perilous journey to escape slavery and finally become free: how long it could take, where the fugitives hid, who helped them, how “stationmasters” sent secret messages, and other fascinating details of the legendary Underground Railroad.

Mary Kay Carson is an award-winning childrens nonfiction author who has written more than 40 books for kids about wildlife, space, weather, nature, and history. Her many books in the Good Question series include Did It Really Start with a Snowball Fight?, How Many Planets Circle the Sun?, How Strong Is an Ant?, What Makes a Tornado Twist?, What Sank the Worlds Biggest Ship?, What Was Your Dream, Dr. King?, and Why Does Earth Spin? For the Sterling Biographies series, she wrote Alexander Graham Bell: Giving Voice to the World. Mary Kay gives presentations at schools about writing and her books. She lives in Cincinnati, OH. For more information go to: marykaycarson.com.