Wicca Year of Magic
From the Wheel of the Year to the Cycles of the Moon, Magic for Every Occasion

Make your year a magical one with this beginner’s guide to the eight Wiccan Sabbats held throughout the year, along with an exploration of lunar magic.
Many Wiccans follow the Wheel of the Year, honouring eight Sabbats, or days of power, and Esbats, ritual occasions usually held at each Full Moon. In this handy guide, bestselling Wiccan author Lisa Chamberlain helps practitioners experience the magic of the turning seasons and the lunar cycle. She explores the spiritual themes of each Sabbat and shares spells aligned with the seasonal and divine energies of each holiday. You’ll find fun ideas for celebrating these magical occasions, whether you’re a solitary practitioner or a coven member. The book also takes an in-depth look at magical timing and the lunar cycle alongside spells you can incorporate into Esbat celebrations.

Lisa Chamberlain is the successful author of more than 20 books on Wicca and magic, including Wicca Book of Spells, Wicca for Beginners, Wicca Crystal Magic,Wicca Herbal Magic, and Wicca Year of Magic. Her focus is on positive magic that promotes self-empowerment for the good of the whole. Find out more at wiccaliving.com.