Wittgenstein and Artificial Intelligence, Volume II
Values and Governance

This is the second of two edited collections, exploring Wittgensteinian themes in AI.
This collection brings together work on the relevance of Wittgenstein’s philosophy to the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Over two volumes, our contributors cover a wide range of topics from different disciplinary approaches. In this Volume (II), contributions are centred on two major themes in the philosophy of AI: questions of value and governance. Contributions include chapters on both ethics and aesthetics and AI, as well as questions of the governance of AI systems, including legal and policy issues.

Alice Helliwell is Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Northeastern University London. Her research is focused on computational creativity and AI art, including questions of aesthetics and ethics.
Alessandro Rossi is Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Northeastern University London. His work focuses on logic, metaphysics and the areas in which they intersect.
Brian Ball is Associate Professor in Philosophy at Northeastern University London. His research spans a range of areas, notably the philosophy of mind, language and artificial intelligence, and he has taught the early history of analytic philosophy, including Wittgenstein.