Won’t Lose This Dream

How an Upstart Urban University Rewrote the Rules of a Broken System

The New Press
Andrew Gumbel
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Once just another unglamorous urban university, Georgia State has become a place of miracles and wonders in the heart of Atlanta, the city that spawned the Civil Rights Movement. GSU is a living experiment in the education of lower-income students and a crucible in which the promise of social advancement through talent and hard work, the essence of the American Dream, is being rekindled in an age of deep inequality and political crisis. More than just a story about higher education, Don't Let Me Lose This Dream is a tale that points the way to wholesale societal transformation.

Contributor Bio

Andrew Gumbel is a British-born journalist, based in Los Angeles, who has won awards for his work as an investigative reporter, a political columnist, and a feature writer. He is a regular contributor to The Guardian and the author of Down for the Count and the co-editor (with David W. Orr, William S. Becker, and Bakari Kitwana) of Democracy Unchained (all from The New Press). He is also the author of Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed, and Why It Still Matters.

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