Wrecking America
How Trump's Lawbreaking and Lies Betray All

An incisive, witty roadmap into the disinformation and betrayals of President Trump — newly updated with coronavirus coverage!
Donald Trump was lawfully selected as the US president...but is still a 'fake' president because he simply lacks the integrity, intelligence, and stability to perform the duties of the office as the Constitution intended.
'If you spend so much time golfing, tweeting, and seething,' write Green and Nader, 'it's understandable that a POTUS doesn't get around to appointing one-third of all agency inspector generals...Might as well expect a surgeon to be an opera singer.'
Fake President — newly updated to include details on the coronavirus pandemic and the riots following the death of George Floyd — decodes many of Trump's worst scandals and 'twistifications' (a Jefferson coinage). And it's bound to get even worse as the Fall election approaches. Since it's nearly impossible to keep track of Trump's 'daily lava of lies,' two of America's foremost public advocates do that work for you. This is your one-stop shop that explains what the Lyin' King means to our democracy. It's a cheeky, deadly rebuke of Trump's incorrigible 'fakery'...from his dishonesty about foreign policy to blatant ignorance about the environment to his messianic narcissism.
'Read Fake President...This book can help us replace Trump with truth.' — Gloria Steinem
'Terrific new book. Fake President informs as it entertains.' — Laurence Tribe

Mark Green of 24 books including the bestselling Who Runs Congress? and The Book on Bush and the former elected public advocate and consumer commissioner of New York City (1990-2001). He is also the founder of the progressive shadow cabinet @ShadowingTrump, consisting of 21 leading scholars and former officials.
Ralph Nader, America’s leading public interest lawyer and consumer advocate, was named by The Atlantic as one of the hundred most influential figures in American history, and by Time and Life magazines as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century. His first book, the bestselling Unsafe at Any Speed, was responsible for US auto safety standards shown to have saved 3.5 million lives over fifty years.