X-Dimensional Assassin Zai Through the Unfolded Earth

Zai is an international assassin who's in it for the travel. So, when his new agency starts to send him on assignment to places that do not exist, it's a dream come true. Crooked accountants, faerie industrialists, hero scientists, down-at-heels gods, secret police chiefs. A hidden continent colonised by refugees from sunken Atlantis, a secret space station, an aerostatic city-state, a post-apocalyptic Faerie Land, a Britain that has taken the hardest Brexit of all. Whoever you are, and wherever you hide, X-Dimensional Assassin Zai will find you... but not until he's taken some happy snaps and tried the local cuisine.

Jason Franks writes comics, prose and source code. His first novel, BLOODY WATERS, was short-listed for the 2012 Aurealis Award for Best Horror Novel, and his second, FAERIE APOCALYPSE, was a Ditmar Award finalist in 2019. Franks is the writer of the THE SIXSMITHS graphic novels (a Ledger Awards finalist) and the comic series LEFT HAND PATH (also shot-listed for an Aurealis Award), as well as numerous short stories in prose and comics. A collection of his mainstream short stories was collected in UNGENRED by Black House Comics. Jason has published work in most genres, but he is most comfortable at in the darker reaches of speculative fiction, although his writing is often humorous. His protagonists are likely to be villains or anti-heroes and the Devil is a recurring figure in his work. Franks has lived in South Africa, the USA and Japan. He currently resides in Melbourne, Australia.