You Can Never Go Back

The Autobiography of the Co-Founder of the Grail Conference and Retreat Centre, and Training for Transformation.

Darton Longman & Todd Ltd
Sally Timmel
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You Can Never Go Back is the memoir of Sally Timmel, partner and long-term co-collaborator of Anne Hope, founder, in South Africa, of the Gender Advocacy Programme and the Fair Share economic literacy programme, and co-founder, with Anne, of the Grail Conference and Retreat Centre and the influential international training programme Training for Transformation. A powerful insight into effective leadership, the book takes activists through the process of the evolution of critical consciousness, as understood by Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire. Interweaved with wisdom gleaned from decades of leadership experience and spiritual and theological learning, Sally shows how to start and build successful multinational faith movements and communities based on teamwork and spiritual strength.

Contributor Bio

Sally Timmel grew up in a small, all-white town in the middle of the United States (Oconomowoc, Wisconsin). Her consciousness broadened and deepened through her experiences with the YWCA, the civil rights movement, the Peace Corps in Ethiopia, and her 46 year partnership with Anne Hope. In Kenya, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, Sally and Anne co-founded numerous non-profit organizations following the end of political apartheid in South Africa.
