You Will Not Know In Advance What You'll Feel
*Shortlisted for the Mary Gilmore Award*
‘This threshold, the edge of things’ — now, this single instant, unfolding through itself time, syntax, memory, want. You Will Not Know In Advance What You’ll Feel has this radically spare structure of thought, within which, against which, Pont is characterful, quick, sensuous, ecstatic. Like Woolf’s novel The Waves, this work creates the silence out of which it speaks. It washes the words in it. Reading these poems, you meet time — face to blind face.’ — Lisa Gorton
‘Pont’s poetry is hard to understand, is obscure like Sylvia Plath. To compare a woman writer with Sylvia Plath runs the risk of being tokenistic, like something we do to all women writers by virtue of them being women. But I mean it in the highest compliment.’ — Gabrielle Everall, TEXT journal