Your Alien Returns

'When you least expect it, something special will get your attention.
Your alien will be back.
He will invite you over for a play date.'
In this sequel to the award-winning Your Alien, it’s the little boy’s turn to visit his alien friend’s home — now in paperback!
In this heartwarming sequel to the critically acclaimed Your Alien, it’s the human boy’s turn to visit the extraterrestrial’s home planet — and to feel like an outsider. But with a little help from his very best friend in the whole universe, our young hero finds a way to fit in.

Tammi Sauer is the author of several acclaimed picture books, including Cowboy Camp, Chicken Dance, Mary Had a Little Glam, and Your Alien, the latter of which has earned starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews. She and her family live in Oklahoma with one super-cute dog. To learn more about Tammi and her books, visit or find her on Twitter at @SauerTammi.
Goro Fujita was born in Japan and moved with his family to Germany when he was three years old. He's been fascinated by drawing ever since he was a little child. In 2008, he moved to San Jose, California, where he works as a book illustrator and visual development artist on feature films. Rumor has it that aliens taught him how to paint.