Your Strategy Needs a Strategy

How to Choose and Execute the Right Approach

Harvard Business Review Press
Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha
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What approach does your company use to develop and execute its strategy?

We are confronted with a plethora of different approaches and frameworks which purport to answer this question—from the classic Michael Porter approach to Kim and Mauborgne's blue ocean strategy to Steve Jobs' "build it and they will come" philosophy.

The answer? There is no one approach that works for everyone—but there is a best approach for your specific context.

From Global BCG strategy experts Martin Reeves, Knut Haanæs, Janmejaya Sinha (and based on the bestselling article in Harvard Business Review), Your Strategy Needs a Strategy offers a practical guide to help you to match your approach to strategy to your environment and execute it effectively, to combine different approaches for companies which operate in multiple environments, and to lead your organization in making better strategic choices. Organizing approaches into five strategic archetypes—Be Big, Be Fast, Be First, Be the Orchestrator, Be Viable—the authors explain the conditions under which each is appropriate, when and how to execute each one, and how to avoid common strategy traps. They richly illustrate the idea with interviews with CEOs from different industries from around the globe.

For anyone leading a business or charged with developing a winning strategy this book is for you. The world of strategy is thick with opposing ideas and frameworks; Your Strategy Needs a Strategy will help you cut through the noise and find clarity on which approach is your best bet.

Contributor Bio

Martin Reeves is Director of the BCG Bruce Henderson Institute and a senior partner based in New York City.

Knut Haanæs is the global leader of BCG’s Strategy practice and a senior partner in the Geneva office.

Janmejaya Sinha is chairman of BCG Asia Pacific, a member of BCG’s Executive Committee, and a senior partner in the Mumbai office.

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