Zombie Bake-Off

It’s time for the annual Recipe Days bake-off in Lubbock, Texas. Soccer moms and grandmothers gather to show off their family recipes, learn new secrets for the perfect shortcake, and perhaps earn a chance to be on the famous cooking show, 'How Would You Cook It, Then?'
When the bake-off is crashed by a federation of pro wrestlers — including American Badass, Jersey Devil Jill, Tiny Giant, The Village Person, Jonah the Whale, the Hellbillies, and fan favorite Xombie — all hell is set to break loose. An infected batch of donuts has transformed most of the wrestlers into mindless brain-eaters and the doors of the convention center have been chained shut, leaving the survivors locked inside, forced to fend for themselves against the hungry dead. Who will come out on top in the ultimate showdown of the century, soccer moms or pro wrestlers?
'Zombie specialist Stephen Graham Jones shows how to put a fresh spin on a classic dish.' —The Denver Post
'Zombie Bake-Off is fast, witty, original and ridiculously entertaining. Stephen Graham Jones has created an action-packed literary pastry that packs a sugar rush you just have to experience.' — HorrorTalk

Stephen Graham Jones is the New York Times bestselling author of more than forty novels, collections, novellas, and comic books, including The Only Good Indians and the Indian Lake Trilogy. Jones received a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship and has won honors ranging from the Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Award to the Bram Stoker Award. Jones lives and teaches in Boulder, Colorado. Visit his website at stephengrahamjones.com.