Agile: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review

The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review Press
Harvard Business Review
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A curated collection of HBR's latest, smartest, and most urgent articles on agile. 

Curates the latest and most important thinking on agile, a topic that all leaders and managers need to be up to speed and conversant on. Provides a range of diverse contributors and viewpoints with clear takeaways. From foundational basics to research to use cases, all with HBR's quality and rigor. Introduces readers to the topic. 

Provides the essential basics and prepares them for more in-depth engagement. Provides intermediates with a refresher on the basics of the topic and extends their knowledge with HBR's most cutting-edge, forward-looking, and provocative content on the topic. Answers the question 'What does HBR have to say about agile?' for customers who have read authored books on the topic or who are coming to our brand for our trusted perspective on a topic they have yet to read much about. 

Audience: Leaders and managers who need to get up to speed, quickly on agile: to understand the basics, consult with the right people, keep up with their competitors and colleagues, understand the potential impact for their team/company/industry, and reinvent their business for the future.

Think agile is just for product and software development? Think again.

If you're a leader in an organization with agile teams, you might think you don't need to know the details as long as the work gets done. But agile is here to stay and is poised to move beyond IT and project management teams into other business units, even HR. If you're still using top-down planning across your organization, your company will fall to competitors that are nimbler than you. Agile: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review will help you understand today's most essential thinking on the latest agile practices, so your company can develop offerings faster, react to fluctuations in the market, and ensure your strategy and people can adapt at a moment's notice.

Contributor Bio

Harvard Business Review is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, 12 international licensed editions, books from Harvard Business Review Press, and digital content and tools published on, Harvard Business Review provides professionals around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact.

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