Building Free Life

Dialogues with Öcalan

PM Press
Radha D’Souza, David Graeber, John Holloway, Antonio Negri, Raúl Zibechi
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From his solitary jail cell, Abdullah Ocalan has penned daring works that give profuse evidence of his position as one of the most significant thinkers of our day. His prison writings have mobilised tens of thousands of people and inspired a revolution in the making in northern Syria, while also penetrating the walls of academia triggering debate and reflection among countless scholars. So how do you engage in a meaningful dialogue with Abdullah Ocalan when he has been held in total isolation since April 2015? You compile a book of essays written by a diverse cast of luminaries, send it to Ocalan's jailers and hope that they deliver it to him.

Contributor Bio

International Initiative “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan—Peace in Kurdistan” is a multinational peace initiative for the release of Abdullah Öcalan. Radha D’Souza is a reader in law specializing in international law and resource conflicts in the third world. David Graeber, bestselling author of Debt: The First 500 Years, is an anthropologist, activist, and professor. John Holloway is an author and professor of sociology. Antonio Negri is an author and professor of philosophy and political science. He has also been a political prisoner in Italy and a political refugee in France. Raúl Zibechi resides in Uruguay, where he works for Brecha and recently won the José Martí Prize.

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