Discovering the Underground with Snow White

There are not only dwarves in the underground. This hidden kingdom is full of interesting animals, things, and phenomena, as this mix of encyclopedia and fairy tale will show you. Once upon a time there was a Queen who only cared about her looks. She believed she was the most beautiful woman in the world, except for her stepdaughter Snow White. She was more beautiful and the jealous queen could not accept it, so she decided to get rid of Snow White. And what happened to the beautiful princess and her evil stepmother? In addition to the well-known fairy tale there are seven richly illustrated gatefolds where you can also learn about what lies underground, who works there apart from the seven dwarves, and which animals live there. You can also learn about underground structures and other curiosities associated with the realm below the Earth's surface.

Tom Velcovsky is a graduate of Audiovisual Production from the Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, where he specialized in screenwriting and storyboards. Before switching to children’s books and the making of comic strips, he worked in advertising.
Jakub Cenkl is a Czech illustrator. After enrolling in an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science program, he soon found it wasn't for him and transferred to a teacher-training program in art education. There, he discovered his passion for graphic design and began to learn it in his spare time. When he's not in front of his computer, he enjoys running in the hills to clear his head.