Nightmare Logic

Tales of the Macabre, Fantastic and Cthulhuesque

ifwg Publishing International
Leigh Blackmore
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nightmare (n) 1. a frightening or unpleasant dream with acute fear, anxiety or other painful emotion 2 a very unpleasant experience 3 a condition, thought or experience suggestive of a nightmare in sleep logic (n) 1 the science of principles of reasoning 2. good reasoning 3. correct or reliable inference Nightmare logic 1. The inexorable horror of bad dreams 2. that which lurks unsuspected in the shadows of the waking world 3. forgotten and unacknowledged pasts rising up to claim the present 4. the twisted raison d’ etre of things that should not be – but are. At the intersection of this world and others, unimaginable things can happen. With this collection of stories, Leigh Blackmore invites you to voyage with him into urban decay and otherworldly dimensions, to discover paranoia and unknown planes of existence, to experience realms of cosmic alienage, and the fantastic that lies at the heart of the real.

Contributor Bio

LEIGH BLACKMORE, born in Sydney in 1959, is a writer, researcher and editor who has been variously called ‘ Australia’ s leading horror expert’ (Hodder press release), ‘ the dark doyen of Australian horror (author Terry Dowling), ‘ the ghoulish guru of Australian horror’ (Julia Lester, 3RRR Adelaide) and ‘ Mr Horror) (‘ The Times’ , ATN Television).

Leigh is a regular essayist and reviewer on the horror genre for such journals as Dead Reckonings and Spectral Realms. His work has thrice been nominated for the Aurealis Award (for both fiction and criticism).

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