Running Wild Press Short Story Anthology, Volume 7
"Run, Sally. Run" is a gothic horror-psychological tale that explores control, fear, manipulation, and psychological violence. The story follows a husband who kills his wife due to her illness and aggression, realizing his story is insane. The story shares the joy, beauty, and griefs of life, guiding readers to accept and navigate the pain and truth of human experience.
"The Writer Within" is a heartwarming fantasy tale resembling "The Twilight Zone" and "The X-files," featuring a journey with friends and unexpected twists. The story follows a nine-year-old boy who faces trouble sharing secrets with his brother and seeks love in a mountain forest. The story also explores the gift of free will and who gets to choose it.
"They'll All Be Waiting" follows Grant Collier and Jeff Chorus, friends from El Paso, Texas, who grew up in the 1970s. The story explores the conflict between generational legacy and true feelings. "Pumping Station Road" follows lobbyist Lloyd's ambitious trail-run across Connecticut, and "Sheila" is a fifteen-year-old girl who experiences teenage rebellion in 1962.
Benjamin White is an acquisitions editor for Running Wild Press who has worked with hundreds of authors, selecting titles for publication, polishing stories, and novels, and putting together anthologies. His own work includes many poems published in various journals, Conley Bottom: A Poemoir, The
Redon Trilogy +1, Always Ready: Poems from a Life in the U. S. Coast Guard and Say Their Names (under Anonymous).